Good Ole Boys Bass Club


Central New York


Bass Pro Kids Ice Fishing
Take a Soldier Fishing
Bass Pro Kids fishing
NY State Bass Fed. Catch & Release Boat
Carpenters Brook
B.A.S.S.Northern Open


2011 is again going to be busy for our club.  We have planned the following events though out the year.

1 - Again this year our biggest 2011 conservation project is the adoption of many of the boat launches and fishing access's around central New York.  This project was successful last year so this year we have expanded our effort. We have many of our club members who have "adopted" these sites and will be visiting them every three weeks of so from now through November to pick up and properly dispose of the trash that is dropped at these sites. We also are expanding our "fishing line recycling" containers to include 17 sites. 

2 - We also we be taking part in the "earth day" clean up sponsored by OCCRA and be cleaning up along Oak Orchard Road in Onondaga County.

3 - Although it is primarily our juniors project, we have been helping out the organizers of the Mountain Goat Run in Syracuse on their practice runs the 6 weeks before the actual run, and also the actual day of the run.  We have been transporting our juniors to the city where they have been attending the "watering stops" along the route.

4- And again this year we will be helping out Bass Pro at their fish ponds etc.

5 - Our club will take part in the NYS BASS Federation' s "Take a soldier fishing" day held on Oneida Lake.

6 - Our junior club will also need our help transporting them to their projects.  We always are there for them.

Please click the links on the left for our 2011 events