Good Ole Boys Bass Club


Central New York








In a joint effort with NY State Bass Federation, and Salt City Bassmaster;

our club assisted in restoring a catch and release boat that was formally owned by



Stripping the boat down

L - R Mike Cusano NYS Bass Federation President, Dick Hyde Good Ole Boys Bass Club,

Richard (back to camera) and Barb Elliot, Salt City Bass

Gas Tank, Battery Box, needs a little bit of work

Good news was there no Alabama Hornets in the nest. (guess they couldn't stand the cold)

Plywood decking off

 800 Gal. tank needs to be removed

On the back of each outer pontoon is a large bilge pump which can fill up the tank quickly.

Inside is two other pumps that can aerate the water, along with supplemental oxygen that can be added as needed.

On the bottom of the tanks are 4 doors to allow the release of the fish at the end of the tournament into deeper water.

Down to bare bones

waiting to go to a local marine dealer for new steering cable

Mike Cusano (NYS Bass Federation President & Salt City Bass Member; 

Paul Hudson, Good Ole Boys Bass Club, Secretary

Cutting out new decking material

Dave, Connell, Tom and Dick

Members of the Good Ole Boys painting the floor decking


Mike Cusano proves he is as proficient with a screw gun as he is with a fishing rod

New decking back on the boat and fastened down

Pat Grady, Salt City Bassmaster President & Mike Cusano

Rewiring the boat, which incidentally had a few chew marks on it from it's time it spent down south with B.A.S.S.

Now where did that wire go?


Boat in the water and ready to go!

Trolling motor on the front so that the boat may also be used for Salt City Bass water chestnut weed pull

Boat will serve a dual purpose!

Catch and Release of fish from a tournament, along with helping of the eradication of the water chestnut.

There by serving not only the fishing community but also the boating community and water property owners.

Our club feels honored to have helped out on this project!


PS:  A special thank you goes out to Craig Terpening of

Terpening Trucking who allowed the storage of the conservation boat while it was being retro fitted!  Thanks Craig.