Onondaga Team tournament 7/27/2014

Usual tournament mornings for me start with getting up early, eating a good breakfast and heading off to the launch. Today, the usual process, but off in the distance there were flashes of lightning. A strong storm was about to move through the area which caused a lightning delay and we launched a little after 7am and weigh in was at 2pm.

IMG_2876This a view of the radar as the storms rolled in. The delay was called just before this.

IMG_2896Not a great picture but a view of the lightning over the lake.

IMG_2879After the storms moved far enough East we started to launch. Kevin and John are ready for the tournament to begin.IMG_2880IMG_2882IMG_2884

The rain and gloomy skies would return at about 10am. No lightning this time as Jake Wilson continued to fish on. IMG_2887

Matt Overton and teammate Bill Kays set the mark to beat early! A solid bag of Onondaga bass. IMG_2888

For the THIRD tournament in a row, Bill Kays would win big bass of the tournament!IMG_2889

Anthony and Jake weighed in about 10lbs today.

IMG_2891Kevin and John took third place today. Great job guys! IMG_2892

Don and Dave take second place today! Don is having an amazing year so far! Good luck the rest of the year guys!

IMG_2893First place goes to Matt and Bill! Great job guys!IMG_2894

Their big bass weighed in at 5.62lbs!

IMG_2895There seems to be a beat going on between John and Anthony. The one who weighs less than the other has to carry the others gear from the boat to the car. Looks like John won this week!