Club assists in repairs to NYS Bass Federation Catch and Release Boat and Trailer

NYS Bass Federation

Catch and Release Boat

The New York State Bass Federation Nation, purchased from B.A.S.S. several years back one of their used catch and release boats.  Like everything else in life, a little maintenance work needs to be every year, to keep things working properly.

This year was no exception.  Our club partnered with members of the Salt City Bassmasters in replacing the 4 pairs of bunks on the trailer.

Catch and Release Boat, Trailer and Tow Vehicle

Catch and Release Boat, Trailer and Tow Vehicle






After the bunks were removed, a new set of bunks was put onto the trailer.


New bunks made and ready to be installed.

New bunks made and ready to be installed.

Bunks installed

Bunks installed






It should be noted that besides the boat being used for fish care at the NYS Bass Fed. tournaments, that the boat is also used in Salt City Bassmasters invasive water weed eradication program.  Salt City through their grant money that they received for their invasive weed pulls was instrumental in the purchase of this boat, which serves a dual purpose.

A special thank you is in order also to the Onondaga Lake Park Marina and staff for allowing us to use their parking lot and dock area.  The boat was moored at one of the docks while repairs were made to the trailer.  While the boat was in the water, the pumps and the fish tanks were checked to make sure that they were in working order.

Onondaga Lake Park and the Good Ole Boys Bass Club have partnered in the lake clean-up by placing 4 fish line recycling tubes in the general fishing area.  Members of our club visit the park 2 times a month, picking up fishing line and any trash that is found in the area of the recycling tube.

Also a big thank you goes to Bass Pro Shops of Auburn for their assistance in repairs to the boat for this year.  The Tracker Marine Service Dept. did an excellent job in helping the NYS Bass Federation get this boat ready for the season.  Thank you Bass Pro

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