Author Archives: Don Bell

June 16th 2019 – Little Sodus Bay – First Points Tournament

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  On June 16th 2019 the #Goodoleboysbassclub took to the waters of Little Sodus bay. Little Sodus is a bay on the southern part of Lake Ontario. With all the rain we have had, all the bays of lake Ontario are above flood stage. We used the launch at Fair Haven State Park. With speed limits reduced [Read the full story …]

Redfield Reservoir Paper Tournament June 9th 2019

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#Goodoleboysbassclub fish their 2nd and final paper tournament of the season at Redfield Reservoir.  The anglers were greeted with bluebird skies and air temps close to 80 degrees.  The format for this paper tournament was catch, weigh, release at the boat, as many bass 1 pound or better.  There were stories of many fish caught [Read the full story …]

Oneida Lake Paper Tournament May 19 2019

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#Goodoleboysbassclub held their 1st tournament of the season on Oneida Lake. This was a catch, weigh, release on the boat non-points tournament. We launched out of Oneida Shores with a stiff SE wind. The 8 boats set out to looking to record the best 5 fish each angler could bring to the boat. 5 of the [Read the full story …]

2019 Good Ole Boys Bass Club Schedule

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2019 Good Ole Boys Bass Club Schedule Non Points Tournaments May 19th – Oneida Lake (Oneida Shores) June 9th – Redfield Reservoir (Town Launch) Points Tournaments June 16th – Fair Haven (State Park Ramp) June 30th – Cayuga Lake (TBA) July 7th – Mexico Point (State Park) July 21st – Sodus Bay (Town Launch) August [Read the full story …]

Early Bird Tournament at Chaumont Bay – 9/22/18

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The clubs final tournament of the season took place on September 22nd at Chaumont Bay.  This Early Bird Tournament is the first point tournament for next season.  Anglers were greeted with air temperatures in the low 50’s after a cold front blew through the evening before.  They were also facing a 10-15 mph North wind, [Read the full story …]