Good Ole Boys Bass Club


Central New York



Oswego River South

Sunday, June 27th 2004

The day started out fine, but by 9:00 am the wind had come up to 20 mph and the fishing slowed down as usual. Just another cold front day in our lives.

First place again went to Larry LaClair with a limit catch of 5 bass weighing in at 14.91 pounds.

Second place went to Ryan Smith, also with a limit catch, and a very close weight of 14.66 pounds

Third was Jason Waloven with 5 fish and 13.39 pounds.

Fourth place was taken by Jack Loughrey, also with 5 fish and 9.43 pounds.

And 5th place went to Don Crofoot, 4 fish, and 8.89 pounds.

Big bass was caught by Jason Waloven with a very nice 5.31 pounder.

How did Larry do it.

Again, Larry worked the outside of the weed beds, but this week he was using a black and chartreuse Venom Tube, rigged Texas style. Water temperature was 62 degrees.

I was on vacation for this tournament, so we had to rely on Tom "photo man" Hudson to take the pictures. Tom spent about 1 hour of his fishing time running up and down the river taking pictures of the other cooperators. He was getting a little worried though, as he kept getting flashes in his eyes.

Tom is technology challenged. He Is a very good auto mechanic, but does not understand anything that cannot be fixed with a 9/16th wrench.

He took pictures of Jason's big bass, the blast off and where everyone was fishing. When Tom returned the camera to his son, he had many pictures of his right eye. Seems as though Tom was holding the camera backwards, taking a picture of his own right eye every time and the flashing was the flash going off in his face.

OK, we all now have had a good laugh. His son, Derk, did manage to salvage 4 pictures. Here they are.

Tom, "Photo Man;" Hudson with his boat

(Just so we know who not to give the camera too again)

It looks like Don Crofoot shortly after launch

The Venom Tube that Larry Used


The "Zorro Spook" that Ryan Smith used over 5' of water