Good Ole Boys Bass Club


Central New York



Fair Haven Pike

Saturday, May 6th 2006


 in fact double Burr.

Our pike tournament that we hold in Fair Haven every year is basically a "shake down" cruse.  Designed to take the boats out and make sure that everything is in working condition.

Well, this year it was a shaking cruise. I mean that it was so cold that everyone was shaking before the end of the day.

We started at 7:00 a.m. and was fishing until 12:00 noon. Only one pike could be entered, and we paid out 3 places for the biggest weight.

Buy 9:00 a.m. the wind was blowing at 15 mph from the NW, the temp was 40 degrees and it was raining cats and dogs. I had my son with me and at 9:45, we looked at each other and decided that this was not fun any more, so we pulled the boat and went into Fair Haven and holed up in a coffee shop until 11:30.

When we returned to the launch, there were 4 other boats out of the water, and everyone there was getting warm in the trucks.

There were only three boats that stuck out the full 5 hours. and they had the Bass Pro 100 mph suits on. I will make sure I have one of those suits next year.

Enough crying about the weather Jeremy Hutchinson had the biggest pike at over 6 pounds.

Jeremy with the big pike for the day.

Notice how dry he is. Those suits must work.

So first place goes to Jeremy Hutchinson.

           Second place goes to Dick Hyde

      And third place goes to Aaron Sheldon.

Notice the lens fogging up on the camera.

After the payouts were made, we had our annual picnic of hot dogs, chips and sodas. The hot dogs went fast, and the soda went untouched. I wonder why???

Well anyway, we all had some fun, and it was enjoyable getting on the water again. I did find out that I had one of my live wells that was not working on the water, but worked when I got home. I think it was frozen !!!!

It can only get warmer, thank god.