Ice Fishing Trout Pond
Sunday 5 January, 2014
Bass Pro Shop of Auburn, NY
Every year Bass Pro Shop of Auburn, NY holds an ice fishing event at their store. Bass Pro is one of our sponsors who has supported our bass fishing club and our Jr. club in both good and bad economic time. As a way of saying thank you both the adults and the Jr. members volunteer their time to assist the youngsters and their parents in fishing on a make believe lake that is ice covered. Our Jr. club with the help of their parents and advisers volunteered their time on Sat. January 4.
The “lake” is a large portable pond this is stocked with trout. The pond and trout come from Onondaga County’s Carpenters Fish Hatchery in Elbridge, NY. Once the pond is filled with water and treated; the trout are introduced.
Bass Pro staff then add docks with railings, cover the water with material to make it look like ice. Youngsters get to try their luck in fishing in the warmth of being inside.
The fish after they are caught and photographed, are then released back into the pond.
Our members stand by to assist where they can. Bass Pro provides the bait, poles, and anything else these young anglers might need. It is amazing how intent these kids are when it comes to fishing!
After the event is over with the fish are taken back to the Carpenters Fish Hatchery and placed in their stocking pens. Some of these fish will be released into the streams of Onondaga County.
It has been our pleasure to assist Bass Pro of Auburn and we look forward to assisting them again in the future. Bass Pro is an excellent store with excellent staff that will assist you in your fishing, boating, hunting or any other outdoor activity that you might want to engage in.