GOB Bass Club By-Laws

Good Ole Boys Bass Club Constitution and By-Laws

Article One: Name

This organization shall be called the Good Ole Boys Bass Club hereinafter referred to as “the club” or GOB.

Article Two: Purpose

This club is organized to promote fishing for bass through organized tournaments, youth and conservation activities, fellowship and friendship.

Article Three: Membership

The GOB membership shall have the following classifications.

Active. Members that fish the tournaments. Active membership should be held to 40 members, (21 boaters and 19 non boaters) to make launching manageable. This membership has full voting privileges, pays all dues and their numbers are counted in quorum votes. (revised 3/15)

Alternate. Shall consist of up to 10 persons, (6 boaters and 4 non-boaters). These members will be allowed to fish in any tournament where the active membership does not fill out the field of 40. They will be allowed to move up to active membership as soon as space is available. This membership has full voting privileges, pays all dues and their numbers are counted in quorum votes.

Associate. Shall consist of any number of persons. All members that were at one time “Active” or “Alternate” shall automatically be placed into this classification for two years or until they opt out. These members are welcomed at meetings and weigh-ins, but cannot fish. They do not have voting privileges, do not pay dues, and their numbers are not counted in quorum votes. At anytime upon payment of dues, these members shall become active members again if space is available, and will fill the active membership before an alternate member.

All active and alternate members must be members of national BASS and the BASS Federation Nation and recommended members of the NY Bass Chapter Federation.

  1. Annual Club Dues:

G.O.B. Bass Club Annual Dues. $20.00

Everyone must belong to national BASS as an individual and to the BASS Federation Nation $30.00.

Everyone is recommended to belong to the New York State B.A.S.S. Nation. $20.00 which is required to be eligible for the Club Team Championship.

Total dues $50.00 if you opt out of the NY Federation and $70.00 if you want to belong to the NY Federation.


Article Four: Officers

The officers of the club will be President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Term of office will be for one year.

Article Five: Duties of Officers

Section 1: President

The GOB President shall be the responsible and Chief Administrative Officer of the club and shall preside at all meetings of the club, the Club Executive Board and the Club Executive Committee. The President shall appoint all committees of the Club, shall be a member ex-officio of all such committees except the Elections Committee and shall ensure that all Club officers perform their respective duties in accordance with the constitution.

  1. Vacancy of Club President

If the Club President is unable from any cause to act, the next ranking Vice-President shall perform the duties of the Club Vice President.

Section 2: Vice-President

The Club Vice-President shall be responsible for special projects as assigned by the President. The Vice-President shall serve on committees designated by the President.

Section 3: Secretary

The Club Secretary shall be the custodian of all records and papers of the Club and shall give notice of all meetings and keep a complete and accurate record of all proceedings. The Secretary shall furnish to the Club Treasurer copies of all motions regarding Club funds, and shall make meeting minutes available to all Club Members in a timely fashion.

Section 4: Treasurer

The Club Treasurer shall be the custodian of all funds of the Club. The Treasurer shall keep a true and accurate record of all receipts and disbursements and shall file an itemized report annually with the Club Executive Committee. The accounts of the Treasurer shall be open at all times to the inspection of the President and the Club Executive Board. Pursuant to the request of the Club Executive Committee, the Treasurer shall inform the membership as to how the Club funds are invested, used or encumbered.

Article Six: Club Executive Committee

Section 1: Executive Committee

There shall exist in the Club an Executive Committee which shall consist of the Officers and Immediate Past President.

Section 2: Special Offices

The Club President, with the approval of the Executive Committee, may create other offices as deemed necessary.

Section 3: Vacancies

Any vacancy existing in any Club officer position may be filed by an appointment by the Club President for the remainder of the term with the approval of the Executive Committee.

Section 4: Executive Committee Meetings: As needed.

Section 5: Fiduciary Responsibility

The Club Executive Committee shall have the fiduciary responsibility to members of the Club, shall be required to approve a budget, and shall be required to approve any expenses in excess of amounts budgeted.

Section 6: Removal from Office

Should an officer prove unsatisfactory in the position, they may be removed by a 2/3rds majority vote of the Club Executive Board. Charges must be submitted in writing and the officer in question shall have the opportunity to defend any and all accusations.

Article Seven: Committees

Section 1: Committee Directors

The Club President with the approval of the Club Executive Committee, shall appoint the following committee directors:

  1. Auditing, Budget, and Membership
  2. Conservation
  3. Promotional sponsorships and Public Relations
  4. Youth/Juniors
  5. Tournament

Section 2: Mandatory Committees are the five standing committees listed. Other committees are appointed as necessary for the business of the Club.

Section 3: Committee Purposes

  1. Auditing, Budget and Membership Committee

This committee shall consist of the Treasurer and one other member. The committee will have the responsibility of auditing the books of the Club and reporting its findings in writing to the Club President and Executive Committee. This report will be done on an annual basis. This committee will also coordinate and publish the annual Budget. This committee is responsible for submitting a budget to the Executive Committee for approval. Such report shall entertain all of the Club expenses and shall provide for the Club fiduciary responsibilities. This Committee will also maintain the full and complete list of membership and paid dues.

  1. Conservation Committee

This committee shall act in the best interests of the Club on any conservation and/or environmental projects.

  1. Promotional Sponsorships and Public Relations Committee

This committee shall act as a liaison between the Club and the manufacturers. This committee director shall be responsible for securing promotional products to be utilized by the Club as part of the prizes at Club Events. This committee shall also act as a liaison between the Club and the media and/or public. Membership shall consist of a director and as many volunteers as wish to help.

  1. Youth/Juniors Committee

This Committee will coordinate the activities of the Club Junior Program as well as aligning with the NY Federation and National BASS Junior programs and tournaments. Membership shall consist of a director and as many volunteers as wish to help.

  1. Tournament Committee
  2. This committee shall be responsible to set up and secure tournament sites for Club tournaments. This committee director shall be responsible for any tournament set up in the name of the Club, such as a partners invitational or any special tournament that may be set up for the calendar year.
  3. This committee director will have the on-site responsibility to run the tournaments. The Tournament Director shall be the on-site director, and responsible to the Club President.
  4. This committee director shall submit any changes in rules and regulations to the Club Executive Committee for approval by the date of the January Club Banquet each year.
  5. This committee director shall announce all tournament dates and sites, if possible, at the January or February meeting of each year. These dates may change if a problem arises. The Tournament Director shall have the responsibility of keeping all records of said tournaments.

Section 3: Other Committees

The Club President, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall appoint any other committee(s) as deemed necessary to run the Club.

Article Eight: Meetings

Section 1:

General membership meetings of the Club will be held on a needed basis. The executive committee will decide when meetings will be required based on the needs of the club and it’s membership. A notice of meeting date and location will be sent to each member by email along with an agenda at least two weeks prior to the meeting date. Executive committee meetings should be held prior to general membership meetings as needed and scheduled separately by the President..

(changed 3/2015)

Section 2: Meeting Process

Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Parliamentary procedures insofar as it does not conflict with the constitution of the club.

Article Nine: Interpretation and Change of This Constitution and Bylaws

Section 1: Guidance and Precedence

By-laws are promulgated as a matter of guidance and precedence to efficiently administer the affairs of the Club. By-laws must not be inconsistent with the general provisions of the constitution but may contain articles which, due to geographical, political or membership makeup, present problems particular to themselves.

Section 2: Bylaw Interpretation

Interpretation of the meaning of this constitution shall be made by the presiding officer who shall render a decision subject to appeal to the members present, and such decision shall be recorded as a precedent for future guidance.

Section 3: Modification of Constitution and Bylaws

Any changes in the by-laws shall be made by a 2/3rds majority of the Club members present at any open meeting of the Club. Each member not able to attend an open meeting for voting may vote by email on a specific vote listed in the agenda. This email vote MUST be made to the President who is responsible for printing that vote and presenting it at the time of the vote. There will be no verbal or other proxy votes allowed. Proposed by-law changes must be submitted in writing to the Executive Committee a minimum of one month prior to the open meeting so that the proposed change can be listed in the agenda. The member proposing a by-law change must be in attendance to propose said revisions at the meeting. The by-laws should consist of items which will not conflict with the constitution of the Federation.

Section 5: Dissolving the Club

In the event the Club is dissolved, all books, funds, papers and property of such Club shall forthwith be delivered to the Club President in escrow for a period of one(1) year for the purpose of re-organizing the Club or designating a successor organization. If such Club is not re-organized within one(1) year or if the Club Executive Board does not designate a successor organization for such members, such books and papers shall become the property of the Club. Any material properties of the Club shall be liquidated and these funds along with the funds of the Treasury shall be refunded to the Club, based on membership, who were members of such Club in good standing at the time of its’ dissolution.

Article Ten: Club Elections

Section 1: Election Committee

There shall be a Club Election Committee appointed by the Club President to come from the general membership, and shall consist of two(2) members, neither of which shall be a candidate for a contested office, nor an immediate family member of a candidate, nor a current member of the Executive Committee. It shall be the responsibility of this committee to record any and all nominations presented for Club Office and to ensure a fair and impartial appraisal of the candidates. Following the election, this committee will oversee the proper transition of the Club’s assets and duties to the new officers of the Club. This committee shall be appointed and approved no later than August 15th each year.

Section 2: Nominations

The nomination of candidates for Club Offices shall come from the Club membership at large and shall be recorded with the Club Election Committee no later than September 1st. The Club Election Committee shall have the responsibility to contact each nominee prior to placing their name on the ballot.

Section 3: Voting Methodology

The Club Election Committee shall prepare and email a ballot to each member in good standing of the Club fourteen (14) days prior to the Early Bird Tournament.  Members will vote by email no later than five(5) days prior to the election . This email must be sent to the Election Committee**. All email votes will be tallied by the Election Committee and results announced at the Early Bird Tournament.  If there is only one nominee, the Secretary of the Club will cast one vote for that individual to certify the election. No other voting is required. Election to office will be determined by a simple majority. Ties will be broken by one re-vote of the members present at the meeting and if still tied, by a coin toss to be conducted by the Election Committee.

** Changed March 4, 2013, (previously all internet votes went to the president).

Section 4: Notification of Results

The candidates will be notified within twenty-four(24) hours of the counting if not present at said meeting. The results shall be published by email to all members.

Section 5: Transition

The newly elected officers will take office the one week after the election and will remain in office for one year. Outgoing officers will make every effort to assist in the transition of leadership.

Article Eleven: Miscellaneous

Section 1: Club Treasury Procedures

  1. Club Fiscal Year

The fiscal year shall be from January 1st until December 31st.

  1. Fund Withdrawals by Check

No withdrawal or expenditure of Club funds may be made without the signature of one(1) officer of the Club. All payment for Club expenses shall be made by check and such document should be filed under the Club’s permanent records. The one exception is payouts at tournaments which are paid in cash from funds presented at that tournament.

  1. Treasurer Voucher

No Club funds will be extended to any member of the Club without an bill or other printed document

Section 2: Avoidance of Personal Profit

No officer shall invest, or cause to invest, Club funds in any manner which results in personal profit or advantage for any officer or Club member.

Section 3: Fishing

  1. A) There will be a Boater, Non-Boater Division.
  2. B) Year End Awards:

The “Angler of The Year” award is given to the anglers, both boater and non-boater, accumulating the most points in 5 of the official club tournaments.  Tie breaker for AOY award and the CTC team: Best 6 tournament points, if still not decided, go out until the tie is broken.

The “Big Bass of The Year” award is given to the anglers, both boater and non-boater, with the largest bass, by weight, entered during all the year’s official club tournaments including the “Classic”.

A minimum of $100.00 for each award will be issued, based on fund or purse availability.

  1. C) All other aspects concerning the tournament may be found under tournament rules and regulations.

Approved 12/13/2020

** Updated 2/9/2021