Club Two Day Classic, Henderson Harbor

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Henderson Harbor

Club Classic,

October 3rd and 4th, 2015

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Sponsored by Bill Saiff Outdoors


After a few months that have flown by quickly this summer, we are back up to Henderson Harbor to have our classic weekend.  This weekend is where we decide our angler of the year.

Bill Saiff who owns the Westview Lodge has been one of our sponsors over the past several years.  Excellent food, lodging, and docking facilities.  This multi facetted business has been the ideal spot for our classic.

Unfortunately mother nature had other plans for us on Saturday.  At Henderson Harbor the wind was out of the North East at 14 mph, with wind gusts of up to 33 mph and the wave height of 2 – 3 feet.  We decided to drive North and go out of Chaumont Bay where the waves were less due to the positioning of the bay.  Even though the wind and the waves were less on Chaumont, the starting temperature of 40 deg. F. made it a bone chilling day for those that were not dressed properly.  Boaters had and the co-anglers had a tough time fishing in the ever changing weather conditions.

Mike Dixon 1

Mike Dixon with a nice 8 lb. plus Walleye that he caught on day one.

Sorry Mike but cannot use this one, still a nice fish!

 With day one done T.J. Church had bought in 5 fish with 13.07 lbs..


John Woods at the weigh in table came in with a 4.7 lb. bass for

Bass Pro Shops Big Bass.  John received a gift card from Bass Pro Shops of Auburn, NY

You can tell what kind of a day was it for John, with only 3 fish and fighting the wind he looks pretty beat.

Sunday 4th of October, 2015

Today we went out of Henderson Harbor, the wind had died down somewhat with it coming out of the ENE at 6 mph.  Make no mistake even though the waves had died down, the gusts were up to 17 mph, and the starting temperature was in the low 40’s.

At 2:30 PM we returned to Bill Saiff’s docks in front of the Westview Lodge for our weigh in.

Weigh in

The weigh in is completed and the results are


Dick Hyde with a Bass Pro Gift Card courtesy of Bass Pro Shops of Auburn, NY for being Just out of the Money!



Tom Church, Bass Pro Shops Just out of the Money. Tom received a gift card courtesy of Bass Pro Shops of Auburn, NY


INTERLICHIA, EVAN Caught only one bass but it was a good one weighing in 5.6 lbs.

Caught only one bass but it was a good one weighing in 5.6 lbs.

For his efforts and for those that finished out of the money these anglers received a Bass Pro Gift Card, courtesy of Bass Pro Shops of Auburn, NY




The Big winner T.J. Church whose 2 day total of 10 fish was 30.14 lbs., Congratulations to T.J. who is also our angler of the year!

CHURCH, TJ 5 13.07 4.25 5 17.07 5.17 30.14 1 80
SANEFSKI, ANDY 3 5.5 5 21.55 5.53 27.05 2 78
BLOM, FRED 2 4.14 3 7.92 12.06 3 76
WOODS, JOHN 3 10.52 4.7 0 0 10.52 4 74
BELL, DON 1 4.62 4.62 1 3.65 8.27 5 72
BAYES, JOSEPH 1 2.07 2.07 2 5.16 7.23 6 70
VALERIO, JOE 1 2.75 1 4.35 7.1 7 68
INTERLICHIA, EVAN 0 0 1 5.6 5.6 5.6 8 66
HYDE, DICK 1 4.61 4.61 0 0 4.61 9 64
CHURCH, TOM 0 0 1 3.53 3.53 10 62
DIXON, MIKE 0 0 1 3.47 3.47 11 60
WILSON, JAKE 1 1.91 0 0 1.91 12 58
WILSON JR, JACK 1 1.87 0 0 1.87 13 56
POOLE, DUANE 0 0 0 0 0 54