Good Ole Boys Bass Club of Central New York
Our BIGGEST 2010 conservation project is the adoption of many of the boat launches and fishing access's around central New York. We have many of our club members who have "adopted" these sites and will be visiting them every three weeks of so from now through November to pick up and properly dispose of the trash that is dropped at these sites. We are now placing "fishing line recycling" containers at these sites. The year has just started and already our members have been out and cleaning up. The reports are coming in and we have picked up trash at most of the sites. Many of the sites were not very trashy, but two of them were "dumps". At one, our member picked up 5 kitchen garbage bags of trash and at the last launch site our member collected 8 large trash bags full. "The first is the worst" is our motto. From now on, these sites will be easy. We will be taking some pictures throughout the year, so stop back often as we update this page. Paul Hudson cleans up Skaneateles Lake launch site. April 2010
Ron collects some trash from Skaneateles Lake
Mike O'Hora and some trash from Union Springs, May 2010
Connell Raate cleans up the 481 launch site, May 2010
Line recycling tube is in place here.
Line recycling tube is placed at Oneida Shores County Park.
Also at Godfrey Point
Paul finds an oar along with the trash.
The Central Square Middle School fishing club picks up after fishing.
Dick Hyde and Fred Chilluffo have installed tubes at Bullhead Point in Fulton and the 81 North launch site.
Just some of the line and trash collected in the Fulton area.
Paul Hudson picked up this trash under the Thruway at the Onondaga Lake outlet. |