Good Ole Boys Bass Club of Central New York
Club Classic 2010 Oneida Lake October 9th and 10th Ron VanBenschoten starts off strong and walks away with the classic.
Mornings are always beautiful when you're fishing Saturday, October 9th We launched from the state launch at Godfrey Point. It was a cold morning with a light west wind, so by the time we all go launched it was 7 AM.
Bill Kays and Bill Peck on the water The wind picked up all day. By 9:00 a.m. there was a steady 15 mph west wind.
The scales are set up and the weigh-in begins for the first day weights.
Nice fish T.J.
T.J. Church wins the Big Bass award for the first day with a smallmouth weighing in at 4.15 pounds At the end of the day Ron VanBenschoten worked his magic and while fishing a rattle trap in 4 foot of water caught 14.84 lbs.. Andy Sanefski was in a solid second place with 14.70 lbs.. and Lance Barnes was in third with 12.97 lbs.
Sunday, October 10th 2010 2nd day of Classic Oneida Shores Launch Our starting air temp. was in the mid 40's, and the wind had settled down overnight. Fall was in the air
Cold engines and warm water. The wind stayed down all day so that fishing was a lot easer.
Ron went back to his "honey hole" and started in catching fish again.
Connell and Jack "looking for fish" Being a two day event, on Sunday the weights from both days are added together to determine the winner.
Andy shows off a couple of his bass.
Andy Sanefski wins the Big Bass for the 2nd day with a 3.40 smallmouth. After all is done, here is the standings for the classic.
Joe Valero take the Bass Pro, Just out of the Money award, a $25 gift card from Bass Pro.
T.J. Church takes 5th place with 22.96 pounds
Bill Peck takes 4th place with a total of 23.82 pounds.
Lance Barnes takes 3rd place with a total of 25.57 pounds.
Ron VanBenschoten takes 2nd place with a total of 26.73 pounds.
And Andy Sanefski wins with a total of 29.71 pounds.
So for the year, here are the final standings.
Ron VanBenschoten wins "Angler of the Year" on the boater side.
T.J. Church wins "Angler of the Year" on the non-boater side.
The following members have won entry into the NYS BASS Federation CTC to be held next August. Boaters are = Ron VanBenschoten, Lance Barnes, and Joe Valero Non-Boaters are = T.J. Church, Andy Sanefski and Bill Peck. Alternates are Bill Kays and Fred Chilluffo. |