Good Ole Boys Bass Club


Central New York



March 16 - 25, 2007

Our booth at the Bass Pro Store on March 16, 17, 18, 24, & 25, was another great success.

Lance and Jack man the booth

This year we were asked to attend the "Classic" for both weekends.

Lance and Ryan sell another ticket to the drawing.

The tackle box was FULL of lures. We figured that were was approx. $300.00 of tackle in it, plus the committee purchased a $100.00 Bass Pro gift card which was also given away.

"Working ??"

Having both weekends to sell tickets was the only way to go. Because of weather, two of the days there were very few customers in the store, but the other three days allowed us to make up for those days.

George Fiorille Promotions Manager for Bass Pro draws the winning ticket.

At 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, the winning ticket was drawn, and the winner is John Velcko from Skaneateles. Ryan Smith called John on his cell phone right after his ticket was drawn, and John being so close chose to come to the store to pick up his tackle box.

The winner, John Velcko is congratulated by Ryan Smith, and takes his tackle box and goodies home.


Please look for us next year as hopefully Bass Pro will again ask us to attend. It will be our 4th year.