Good Ole Boys Bass Club


Central New York



Updated April 6, 2006

Our booth at the Bass Pro Store on March 30th, and April 1st and 2nd was another great success.

Garret Kinney mans the booth

In these pictures, you can see our new GOB banner. We were not allowed to put up the new banner hanger that Jack made because it would block the view of the fish tank, so we just taped it to the table.

Tom Hudson and Eric Wilsey sell another ticket to the drawing.

The tackle box was FULL of lures. We figured that were was approx. $400.00 of tackle in it. You can see it on the left side of this picture.

"Working ??"

When all was said and done, the club had raised $568.00 for the 6 man team. Many thanks to Jack, Eric, Tom, Garrett, Chris, Paul, and Connell for spending their time to man the booth.

Next year hopefully we can have some more members to volunteer for this duty. Besides being a good place to "network", Bass Pro provided a very good lunch each day, ( pizza, wings, sandwiches, sodas, chips, etc) plus a 10% discount on anything we purchased while working.

George Fiorille from Bass Pro draws the winning ticket.

At 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, the winning ticket was drawn, and the winner is Kim Nguyen from Syracuse. The tackle box was sent out to her via UPS on Tuesday.